Slowly the quality and quantity of contacts with other organizations are growing.
The most important part of Environmentalism is information and its free use. Once you have understood where and how your contacts stand then some really useful work can begin.
An article in Miljøvernforbunds magazine MILJØ MAGASINET
was pointed out to us – It was about seaweed trawling or taretråling – one of the major points was that large amounts of seabirds disappear when Taretråling is done in the area – permanently too it seems.
We have contacted the Norwegian ornithological organization about this but they don’t seem to be interested – we’ve spoken to many major ornithologists but their attitude seems to be – “WE ARE THE EXPERTS, AND WE DONT SEE ANYTHING UNUSUAL.” In other words they own the ornithological world and what they say goes.
It seems that the same is happening here
An expert from the havasforsknings institut of Norway has said that there is no evidence that seismic testing affects sea life – so many people have been doing internet research and come up with very prestigious articles to the contrary. It seems that Havsforsknings institut thinks they own information and can interpret it how they like to influence such matters.
This is just my comments but there are beginning to be many more with links –
In the scientific world it is reputation that is the most important thing – our marine biologists and scientists are aware of this – it must be very frightening to have to please 2 masters at the same time.