Facts & findings

My Little Piece

I had originally asked to present a 10 minute video on taretråling and some rather surprising effects such as the Thiamine issue and the Iodine release, instead I felt very angry – I felt I needed to clear up some issues which were quite apparent, so instead I presented some papers I’d downloaded.

I mentioned iodine being used as a weapon by seaweed, the same as terrestrial plants


– I mentioned a paper I had on terrestrial plants actually having such a effective chemical weapon that it has been observed killing large numbers of animals


– I mentioned another on seaweed killing coral


and yet another the mechanism of iodine being released by seaweed – then I asked if anyone present, in particular the marine biologists knew anything about this – there was a resounding no – I then asked if anyone wanted the papers waving them in the air – again a resounding no.

I mentioned Lennert Balks work on thiamine deficiency and how it is possible that this is the cause of major seabird die offs in the Baltic and north of Europe,


I said I had a film of a bird displaying the symptoms mentioned in the papers, I said I had sent an email to Laurentzen and the havsforsknings institut on both subjects but received no reply.  I then asked those present if anyone knew about this and again a resounding no – I then asked if anyone wanted to read the papers and was met by the same result.

I then mentioned a paper talking about the state of our seas and how 500 people had died in a cholera outbreak in Chile, Peru and Bolivia due to marine enrichment –


the paper was from the lancet the oldest medical journal in the world – would anyone like this paper – the result was as expected – i then said all this information and more is on our website  http://stopptt.com/ – my point had been made.  In all around 2 minutes.

There was a little dinner afterwards in the miljødirektoratet – one of my fellow guests asked a marine biologist who had been doing statistics on fish populations after and before taretråling, if he could have a copy of his raw data – it was explained that this was difficult as there was so much – no problem came the reply, I can let you have memory sticks – it is public material isn’t it?  the reply was yes of course it was – “then that should be no problem”  – “ahh, but it is gigabites of material” replied the marine biologist – “no problem, just let me have it – I can even let you have a hard disc.”  the marine biologist was not happy with this and walked away – my fellow guest said “I am not surprised.”

This was the tone for the whole meeting – the concerns of the public are not being met in any way, and when they are there is likely to be some twist.

Here is a snip from a paper on the Fukushima accident – before the accident it was not a problem and the state was happy to let it drift – but one cannot say the same now – and it is happening here

Corrupt environmental agencies

https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-24369244 To think that this article mentions global warming, acidification of the seas and more and yet there is no mention at all of one of the worlds biggest industries removing seaweed forests on a global scale – we know seaweed binds something like 30 million tons of co2, the stuff on the Norwegian coast over 100,000 tons of nitrogen per year – dangerous chemicals are removed from the environment and yet there is no mention anywhere – this is truly bizarre.

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