We have found any amount of scientific papers concerned with seaweed removing poisons and many other substances from the sea – there is even a suggestion that the damage caused by the atom bombs on Mururoa atoll has been cleared up by this amazing plant – so take it read – any mess that mankind puts in the sea will eventually be dealt with by the system that exists there – just as it does on land, but far better. the major problem is our interference.
Seaweed harvesting on the Norwegian coast is supposedly regulated by a committee of experts in their field – marine biologists and such – i am no marine biologist but i can read and do read a large amount of papers put out by scientists on the internet concerning the sea and seaweed – they all tell me the same thing – NO ONE KNOWS THE LONG TERM EFFECTS OF SEAWEED TRAWLING ON THE ECOSYSTEM.
Many of us have a feeling of doom when we think about a company, one of a group of companies who have been found guilty of nearly every crime any major corporation or company can be found guilty of, and for that has received record fines in nearly every case, this company is being allowed to remove seaweed not only on the Norwegian coast but on many others worldwide. FMC biopolymers.
FMC CORPORATION is involved in nearly every dirty industry it is possible for a company to be involved with. it has been found guilty of many kinds of pollution including radiation, cyanide, phosphorous and more and yet here they are blithely taking up seaweed on the Norwegian coast – they say it is in the region of 180,000 tons per year –
Fmc tells us that seaweed on the Norwegian coast is healthy – not anyone else – fmc the company that harvests the stuff, and yet they have requested and got permission to harvest in nature reserves.