Facts & findings

Bird Deaths – Huge Mortality of Marine Mammals

It has been recently drawn to my attention that there has been a huge die-off of birds and marine mammals in parts of the world.

In Sweden it was eventually discovered that the birds lacked the amino acid thiamine


So I contacted a Swedish professor Lennert Balk engaged with studying the effects of thiamin deficiency – when I suggested that there is a possible link between this and seaweed being removed from the environment he said that thiamine in the environment comes from plant matter – so there could definitely be a connection.


Recently I spotted a large auk swimming in the boat harbor here at hustadvika – its behavior was very listless – it did not seem to have very good coordination – the next day it was dead – out to sea a small auk swam up to our boat, I leant over the side and picked the bird up in my hands – it had very poor coordination and died an hour later – I just cover a very small area. Is this happening along the coast?


taretråling feldt fiskeridir

According to FMC biopolymers seaweed does not grow north, or south of this area in sufficient quantities to warrant harvesting. So the entire coast of Norway where seaweed grows is subject to seaweed harvesting.

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