Month: June 2013

The Plot Thickens – More and More Irrefutable Evidence

Searching the internet reveals a great many surprises – one of the most surprising things is that the clear evidence against seaweed dredging as damaging to the environment and even to the health and well being of our seas.  Surprising because none of the major players seem to be aware of these documents freely available, but perhaps that is not an accident.

This is a feasibility study of farming seaweed off the coast of Scotland – it also mentions some of the surprising chemistry of our Laminaria hyperborea.

It seems the reason why seaweed is packed with iodine is because it is a weapon against attack – a poisonous bitter substance.  When the stalks are damaged it is released – so are some other very surprising chemicals.  This adds strength to the idea that our birds and sea mammals are suffering from a definitive lack of seaweed in the food chain or their diet.  So perhaps that is the cause of this worldwide die off.

Surprisingly enough it also mentions this

Steen removal of notrogen from water by seaweed

This is from the Crown estate document – it mentions 480 tons of nitrogen per 20 square kilometres of seabed removed by Laminaria hyperborea – so there is supposed to be 6,000 square kilometres of this on the Norwegian coast so that works out at roughly 144,000 tons of nitrogen removed from the sea per year – i assume that the figures for other chemicals would not be far from that.  The gulf stream brushes along the Norwegian coast – would that amount  not being removed mean that other coasts are  being enriched.  Could that be why they are  so many harmful algal blooms?

This paper seems to raise enormous amount of questions.

But one thing is becoming crystal clear – the Norwegian people are being fooled by the assurances and work of the bodies supposedly overseeing this and fmc biopolymers comes from a group of companies who are in receipt of record fines for environmental pollution, fraud, price fixing cartels and the production of one of the most damaging chemicals to wildlife and nature, in fact one of their chemicals responsible for the decimation of Africa’s wildlife and they are entrusted with the health of Norway’s seas.

Bird Deaths – Huge Mortality of Marine Mammals

It has been recently drawn to my attention that there has been a huge die-off of birds and marine mammals in parts of the world.

In Sweden it was eventually discovered that the birds lacked the amino acid thiamine

So I contacted a Swedish professor Lennert Balk engaged with studying the effects of thiamin deficiency – when I suggested that there is a possible link between this and seaweed being removed from the environment he said that thiamine in the environment comes from plant matter – so there could definitely be a connection.

Recently I spotted a large auk swimming in the boat harbor here at hustadvika – its behavior was very listless – it did not seem to have very good coordination – the next day it was dead – out to sea a small auk swam up to our boat, I leant over the side and picked the bird up in my hands – it had very poor coordination and died an hour later – I just cover a very small area. Is this happening along the coast?


taretråling feldt fiskeridir

According to FMC biopolymers seaweed does not grow north, or south of this area in sufficient quantities to warrant harvesting. So the entire coast of Norway where seaweed grows is subject to seaweed harvesting.

Fish Livers and Crabs… Could There Be A Connection?

In February I started catching cod with blackened and discolored livers – I sent pictures and samples to mattilsynet – they asked me to take them back saying that they did not have the competence to analyze them, they also added that nifes did not either.

normal fish liver adj 2
This is a normal cod liver

Severly damaged liver from a cod caught at hustadvika
Severely damaged liver from a cod caught at hustadvika

This is a different liver – can you spot the difference?  Mat tuilsynet can’t, nor can Marine biologists at Nina

This is the homepage for nifes:

Now it appears that crabs caught by a salmon farm have black insides and are polluted with cadmium –

it just so happens that the salmon farm belongs to a Norwegian government minister Lisbeth Berg-Hansen

By protecting the industry’s capitalizing on the nature on the Norwegian coast the state is protecting the interests of powerful individuals – this is fine if the consequences were simply that they got rich – but it is not as simple as that – sooner or later the bill must be paid and that will be by everyone.