Month: March 2013

Places Where Marine Life Is Too Polluted To Eat On The Norwegian Coast

Miljøstatus / Tema A – Å / Hav og kyst / Miljøgifter langs kysten / Fisk og sjømat du ikke bør spise

Fisk og sjømat du ikke bør spise

I en del fjorder, havner og innsjøer er innholdet av miljøgifter så høyt at det kan være helseskadelig å spise fisk og skalldyr herfra.

Polluted Coastline

An article on nrk detailed the landing of Blåkveite and shellfish had been made illegal from Lofoten to Bodø, that is quite a way.

My recent contacts with the mattilsynet over black and green fish livers revealed a number of papers on related subjects, one in particular was most interesting it listed places where one should not eat seafood from – ill post the link later – but the list was very long and went from Oslo to Lofoten – WHAAAAAT – that’s nearly the whole coast.

So lets get this straight.

The Norwegian state allows seaweed harvesting along the entire coast – we know that for instance fish catches have been dropping drastically in many places – we know that fish young are very much tied to seaweed forests – so are the young of many other types of animals and plants – we also know that seaweed cleans the sea – we have scientific papers to show this – and yet the Norwegian state still allows it to continue.

Poisoned Fish – Well You Can Eat Them…

Contact with the mattilsynet has revealed an article on fish livers and why one should not eat them.

Great so it appears the fish are full of dioxins and other substances – so I was right – the fish are sick.

mattilsynet fiske lever

So lets get this clear.  Our sea fish are poisoned with dioxins and other chemicals – seaweed cleans the sea:

and well we have many more articles on this.

The Norwegian state allows a American company, fmc biopolymers – from a group of companies with long records of environmental poisoning, and destruction, fraud and price fixing cartels, and production of chemicals responsible for the wholesale destruction of animals worldwide, to scrape areas of the coastline bare of the plant responsible for cleaning the sea.  is that simply insane or what???

Empty Seaweed Forest

The Tare trawlers have been active outside Hustadvika since last October – we have filmed them in apparently the same places over and over – the idea is clearly to remove all – that is every plant – from the seabed.  This cannot be under any circumstances regarded as anything but environmental vandalism.

TT outside dramatic searchlight waves rocks adj

tt outsdie heavily laden dramatic adj

TT farstadstranda near land adj

We have papers that reveal ephphytes take at least 6 to 9 years to grow back – the forests are harvested every 4 to 5 years or less – so that means there is very little natural life in the seaweed forests – filming the rocks in the area reveals very few barnacles – the rocks should be covered – filming the seaweed stalks that have fallen overboard from the trawlers or simply been left reveals the stalks nearly empty of any kind of epiphyte – we saw nothing living on the seaweed stalks we examined – there was a great amount washed up.

Stalks and leaves showing no epiphytes adj                                                                               tare i ice i bathavn ingen epiphyter adj   tare washed up on inside of hustadvika island adj

We have papers that say that if the amount of epiphytes on the stalks is diminished then taretråling must stop – it is clear they are – it is clear that the cod fish in the area are sick – time for a closer examination of  the effects this continuous destruction of the seaweed forests is having !!!

It is evident that taretråling is not being thoroughly examined internationally – the removal worldwide of this plant and others like it must be having an effect – biologists and marine biologists seem to be unable to act – is it really up to little groups like Stopptt to do something about it – right next stop politicians to see if they can and are willing.


Sick Fish?

So we know that seaweed cleans the sea, it oxygenates the waters and removes CO2.  We have papers revealing how much nitrogen and phosphate it removes from the water – other papers detail the removal of toxins and substances such as tnt.

Recent fishing expeditions out of Hustad, where there has been very heavy taretråling this year and last, and even a successful prosecution – the first in Norway for harvesting illegally – have produced a catch of unusual cod – the trip before the same – going back for many months. The livers of these cod are black, green or in some cases nearly nonexistent

Severly damaged liver from a cod caught at hustadvika

liver from a cod caught at hustadvika

Liver 6 adj liver 7 asdj

Local people have told us that the council dumps sewage from septic tanks into the sea at Hustad, that the outflow from the village is also by Farstadstrand – just where the taretrålers have been.

So we live in a valley, some 7 kilometres long by 4 kilometres wide – we have many farms, most of them use roundup and other chemicals – we know these have an effect on nature and some like Roundup are proven carcinogens   these are washed from the land into our rivers and streams – some like the hustad river were famed for salmon in the sea it would normally go through a natural filtration system – which removes so many chemicals, but the state has seen fit to sell this to an American company.

The big question is – do we trust the state enough to watch out for us over this?

We have contacted the mattilsynet  – sent them pictures – we are already in contact with the fiskerie direktoratet.

The Mattilsynet says it is normal for cod to be like this and the fish are safe to eat – wonder why then the seagulls refused their normal meal?